DayZ Base Building Guide And Building Recepies
Have you found a nice area to make yourself a home in dayz for somewhere to store your loot and chill with friends? Well here is our DayZ Base Building Guide And Building Recepies to help you along the way to getting your very own base up.
DayZ Chernarus Map

Below is a list of items you will need before you can start the adventure of base building:
Shovel – A shovel is used to place the wooden logs in to the fence kit to start making the fence frame. Shovels can be found in industrial areas and garden sheds.
Wooden Logs – You need two wooden logs as posts for each fence panel. Use an axe or hatchet to chop trees down, you will get one wooden log per tree.
Wooden planks – Wooden planks are used for the majority of the building so you will need loads of them. You can get wooden planks from lumber piles dotted around the map, you can also craft them from wooden logs, use a handsaw or hacksaw to get wooden planks.
Nails – Like wooden planks nails are used in most of the base building so you will need a lot of them, each box you find should contain 70 nails. These can be found and looted from industrial areas and garden sheds, you can also take nails from someone elses base after you dismantle it.
Hammer – Hammers are used for building the fences/walls, you can also use a hatchet as a hammer. Hammers can be found in villages, farm areas, indistrial and garden sheds.
Hatchet – The hatchets main use is for chopping wood but it can be used as a hammer and a sharp object to cut clothes in to rags. These can be found in villages, farms and industrial areas.
Metal wire – Metal wire is used to turn a fence panel in to a gate, these can be found in industrial areas, farms, lumber mills and hunting areas. They are quite rare though so if you plqn on building and find one in the coastal area its worth picking up.
Pliers – Pliers are needed to make a gate from a fence once the metal wire has been attached. These can be found in farm areas, villages and industrial areas.
Combination lock – The combination lock is the final piece in the puzzle, its used to to lock your base, they are attached to the gate. These are also quite rare and can be found industrial areas and garden sheds.
DayZ Base Building Recipes
Fence kit – A fence kit is easy to craft, combine two sticks with a piece of rope ( rope can be crafted from rags or guts).
Watchtower kit – A watchtower kit can be crafted with four sticks and a piece of rope.
Frame section – Craft the frame section with four wooden planks, eight nails, and a hammer or hatchet.
Frame cladding – Five wooden planks, ten nails, and a hammer or hatchet
Gate – For a gate you will need one completed fence, pliers, and a piece of metal wire.
Roof – To make a roof you need ten wooden planks, 20 nails, and a hatchet or hammer.
Stairs – Finally to make stairs you will need ten wooden planks, 18 nails, and a hatchet or hammer

How To build a Watchtower DayZ
First of all you will need a watchtower kit, then add four wooden logs for the pillars to make the frame, use wooden planks and nails to make the rest of the frame.
To build more levels up you will need to put four wooden logs, then you can make the frame and board it all up or leave it blank its up to you.
You will also need to add a roof and stairs if you want to build it higher, you can also add things like the camo net
How To Build a Gate DayZ
Craft yourself a fence kit, and place it on the ground where you want your gate/fence to be in its closed position.
You then need to use a shovel or pickaxe to place the wooden logs at either end of the fence kit.
You then use a hammer or a hatchet to then build the upper and lower frame sections of the gate.
After that its time to board up the upper and lower sections with wooden planks.
Now you use the pliers after attaching the metal wire, to make the fence into a gate.
All that’s left to do is add the combination lock set a code and you base is somewhat safe.
Repeat this process for any additional gates you want to place inside your base structure, assuming there’s room. To add fences do the same process just without the metal wire.
A Heads Up!
While building a base can be fun just be aware that they are raid-able and sometimes by the time you log back in again your base has already been raided and your loot shot to ruined so it despawns. Personally whenever i’ve played DayZ i play nomad style, live life to life with stashes hidden around the map. While stashes still get found they generally last longer than a base. Hide barrels or wooden crates in ponds/lakes or cut a tree down and place a wooden crate where the tree once stood then when the server restarts the tree will be back and your stash hidden under its roots.